20 Customer Service Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

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In the highly competitive world of eCommerce, exceptional customer service is a key differentiator that can significantly impact your business’s success. To ensure that your customer support team is performing at its best, it’s essential to track and analyze various customer service key performance indicators (KPIs). These metrics provide invaluable insights into the efficiency, effectiveness, and overall quality of your customer care efforts. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the most important customer service KPIs, from average resolution time to customer satisfaction scores, and explain how each one can help you optimize your support strategy and enhance customer satisfaction.

Average Resolution Time

Average resolution time is one of the most critical customer service key performance indicators (KPIs). This metric measures the average time it takes to resolve a customer issue from the moment the ticket is opened until it’s fully resolved. A lower average resolution time generally indicates a more efficient support team, which can significantly enhance customer satisfaction. By monitoring this KPI, businesses can identify bottlenecks in their processes and implement strategies to speed up resolution times, ultimately leading to a better overall customer experience.


Occupancy is another essential customer service performance indicator, reflecting the percentage of time that agents spend actively engaged with customers. It is calculated by dividing the total time agents spend on calls or handling tickets by the total time they are available to work. High occupancy rates indicate that agents are busy, but excessively high rates can lead to burnout and reduced employee satisfaction. Balancing occupancy with other customer care KPIs is crucial for maintaining a healthy and productive support team.

First Response Time

First Response Time

First response time is one of the customer service key performance indicators that measures the time it takes for a customer service representative to respond to a customer’s initial inquiry. This KPI is critical because customers expect prompt replies, especially in today’s fast-paced digital world. A shorter first response time can improve customer satisfaction and reduce the likelihood of customers seeking assistance elsewhere. By focusing on reducing first response times, businesses can enhance their reputation for responsive and attentive customer care.

Customer Satisfaction Score

Customer satisfaction score (CSAT) is one of the most commonly used customer service KPIs, directly measuring how satisfied customers are with the service they received. This score is typically collected through post-interaction surveys, where customers rate their experience on a scale. A high CSAT indicates that customers are pleased with the support they receive, while a low score signals that improvements are needed. Monitoring this customer satisfaction KPI helps businesses understand their service quality and make data-driven decisions to enhance customer experience.

Read more: CSAT for Mobile Apps: Measuring Satisfaction for On-the-Go Users

Customer Effort Score

The Customer Effort Score (CES) is a customer service performance indicators that measures how easy it was for customers to get their issues resolved. This KPI is essential because it highlights the importance of a smooth and effortless customer experience. A lower effort score indicates that customers found the process easy and straightforward, which can lead to higher satisfaction and loyalty. Conversely, a high effort score suggests that customers faced difficulties, which can increase the risk of churn. By tracking CES, businesses can identify areas where the support process can be streamlined to reduce customer effort.

Tickets Solved Per Hour

Tickets solved per hour is one of a productivity customer service key performance indicators that shows how many customer issues an agent can resolve within an hour. This KPI is vital for assessing the efficiency of individual agents and the support team as a whole. A higher number of tickets solved per hour indicates that agents are working effectively, but it’s important to balance this with quality to ensure that quick resolutions don’t compromise customer satisfaction. Regularly reviewing this customer service performance indicator can help optimize team productivity without sacrificing service quality.

Tickets Handled Per Hour

Similar to tickets solved per hour, tickets handled per hour measures the total number of customer issues an agent addresses within an hour, regardless of whether they are fully resolved. This KPI provides insight into how many cases an agent can manage simultaneously and can help identify if certain agents are overwhelmed or underutilized. By analyzing this customer service KPI, businesses can better allocate resources and ensure that their support team is functioning efficiently.

First Contact Resolution

First contact resolution (FCR) is a crucial customer service key performance indicators that measures the percentage of customer inquiries resolved during the initial contact, without the need for follow-up interactions. A high FCR rate indicates that agents are skilled at quickly diagnosing and solving customer issues, which can significantly boost customer satisfaction and reduce overall support costs. Monitoring this KPI customer care metric helps businesses ensure that their support team is equipped to handle issues effectively on the first try, reducing the need for additional resources and improving customer experience.

Employee Satisfaction

Employee satisfaction is an often-overlooked but critical KPI in customer service. Satisfied employees are more likely to be engaged, productive, and committed to providing excellent customer service. Measuring employee satisfaction can be done through surveys that assess various aspects of the workplace, including workload, work-life balance, and job fulfillment. A high employee satisfaction score is often correlated with better customer service performance, as happy employees tend to deliver higher-quality service. By prioritizing this customer service key performance indicator, businesses can foster a positive work environment that enhances both employee and customer satisfaction.

Cost Per Resolution

Cost Per Resolution

Cost per resolution is a financial KPI that calculates the average cost incurred to resolve a single customer issue. This metric includes factors such as agent salaries, technology costs, and overheads. Keeping the cost per resolution low while maintaining high service quality is a key goal for many businesses. By tracking this customer care KPI, companies can identify opportunities to reduce costs, such as improving agent training or investing in more efficient tools, without compromising the quality of customer service.

Customer Churn

Customer churn is a critical KPI that measures the percentage of customers who stop doing business with a company over a given period. High churn rates can be a sign of underlying issues in customer service or product quality. By closely monitoring this customer service performance indicator, businesses can take proactive steps to improve customer retention, such as addressing recurring service issues or enhancing the overall customer experience. Reducing churn is essential for maintaining a stable and growing customer base.

Abandon Rate

The abandon rate is the percentage of customer calls or chats that are abandoned before being connected to a customer service agent. A high abandon rate can indicate long wait times, insufficient staffing, or other issues that frustrate customers. This KPI is crucial for understanding how accessible and responsive a company’s customer service is. By addressing the factors that contribute to a high abandon rate, businesses can improve accessibility and customer satisfaction.

Net Promoter Score®

Net Promoter Score® (NPS) is one of a widely recognized customer service key performance indicators that measures customer loyalty and their likelihood to recommend a company to others. NPS is calculated by asking customers how likely they are to recommend the company on a scale of 0-10. Customers are then categorized as promoters, passives, or detractors. A high NPS indicates strong customer loyalty, which is often the result of excellent customer service. Tracking this customer satisfaction KPI allows businesses to gauge the overall health of their customer relationships and identify areas for improvement.

Find out more: The Power of NPS: From Score to Actionable Insights

Ticket Reopens

Ticket reopens measure the number of times a resolved ticket is reopened by a customer due to unresolved issues or dissatisfaction with the resolution. A high rate of ticket reopens can indicate that initial resolutions are not adequately addressing customer needs. This KPI is important for understanding the quality of problem-solving within a support team. By reducing the number of ticket reopens, businesses can improve first contact resolution rates and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

Agent Touches

Agent touches refer to the number of interactions or contacts an agent has with a customer to resolve an issue. Fewer touches generally indicate a more efficient resolution process. This KPI helps businesses assess the effectiveness of their customer service processes and identify areas where additional training or resources may be needed to reduce the number of interactions required to solve a problem.

Number of Replies

Number of Replies

The number of replies measures how many back-and-forth messages are exchanged between a customer and a support agent before an issue is resolved. This customer service key performance indicator is essential for understanding the complexity of customer issues and the clarity of communication between agents and customers. A higher number of replies may suggest that customers are not getting clear answers, leading to frustration and longer resolution times. By reducing the number of replies, businesses can improve communication efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Requester Wait Time

Requester wait time is the amount of time a customer waits for a response or resolution after submitting a support ticket. Long wait times can lead to customer dissatisfaction and a negative perception of the company’s customer service. By monitoring and minimizing requester wait time, businesses can ensure a more responsive and customer-friendly support experience, which is crucial for maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction.

Next Issue Avoidance

Next issue avoidance (NIA) is a proactive customer service KPI that measures a company’s ability to prevent future issues after resolving a customer’s initial inquiry. This metric is important because it focuses on delivering long-term solutions rather than just addressing immediate concerns. By aiming to resolve the root cause of issues, businesses can reduce repeat contacts and enhance the overall customer experience. NIA is a forward-thinking approach that prioritizes customer satisfaction and efficiency in the support process.

Customer Retention Rate

Customer retention rate is a vital KPI that tracks the percentage of customers who continue to do business with a company over a specific period. High retention rates are typically associated with strong customer satisfaction and loyalty, which are often driven by effective customer service. By focusing on improving customer service key performance indicators like first contact resolution and customer satisfaction scores, businesses can boost their retention rates, ensuring long-term growth and profitability.

Volume by Channel

Volume by channel measures the distribution of customer inquiries across different communication channels, such as phone, email, chat, and social media. This KPI is essential for understanding customer preferences and optimizing resource allocation. By analyzing volume by channel, businesses can identify which channels are most popular and ensure they are adequately staffed and supported. This insight helps in delivering a seamless and consistent customer service experience across all touchpoints.

Monitoring and optimizing customer service key performance indicators is crucial for delivering a superior customer experience and ensuring the long-term success of your business. By focusing on metrics such as first response time, customer satisfaction score, and employee satisfaction, you can identify areas for improvement and implement strategies that boost both customer loyalty and operational efficiency. The insights gained from these KPIs will empower your support team to not only meet but exceed customer expectations, ultimately driving growth and profitability for your Shopify store.

Linda Bui
Linda Bui Content writer at Doran

Hey! I'm Linda Bui. I'm a career-changer. Bootcamp grad & Dev.


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